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Clubs & Activities

At Independence, you will encounter an impressive diversity of options for getting involved and students who are ready to try every one. Middle School especially is a time to explore new interests and meet new friends, and the exciting clubs and activities below provide the chance to do exactly that. There is something for everyone, and new ideas are always welcome!

Finding Nemo

Drama Club
(Grades 6-8)

Drama Club at Independence provides students with opportunities to perform before a live audience, highlight by the annual stage production in the 900-seat Gore Auditorium. They develop a love and appreciation for the performing arts.

Indy Robotics

Indy Robotics
(Grades 4-8)

Indy Robotics teams participate every year in FIRST LEGO League. Small groups, normally about six students, work together on three major components. They build a robot and program it to complete a challenge.  


(Grades 6-8)

Independence "mathletes" have a variety of options for enriching experiences. 
Students in grades 6-8 can try out for Math League, and Math League students can try out for the 12 spots on our Mathcounts team.

QuizBowl Team

Quiz Bowl
(Grades 6-8)

Quiz Bowl is a competitive academic club, with members practicing once a week as part of a team and studying on their own time. The matches combine individual competition using a buzzer system and team collaboration on bonus questions.

Science Olympiad Team Photo

Science Olympiad
(Grades 7-8)

Science Olympiad teams are composed of eight members per grade who audition by taking a test of science knowledge. The students possess and project a passion for science, math and a curiosity for solving problems. 

Welcome to Indy

Student Ambassadors
(Grades 7-8)

Student Ambassadors are given the chance to live the mission of our school through leadership opportunities. They will be called upon to participate at special events throughout the year and are an important link between Indy and interested families.

SGA Officers 2024-25

Student Government
(Grades 5-8)

Rising 7th and 8th grade students may run for the Executive offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Historian if they meet the requirements. The SGA sponsors dances, does acts of appreciation, and fundraises for current community needs.